Wednesday, December 19, 2012

MTV picks “Gangnam Style” as this year’s viral video

MTV also gave props to Psy and his worldwide hit, “Gangnam Style.”

On December 18th, MTV’s Web site picked the Korean rapper’s “Gangnam Style” as the “Viral Sensation of the Year”.

According to MTV, “Taylor Swift sold w-a-a-y more records, One Direction stirred millions of first-crush flushes and labelmate Justin Bieber put tens of thousands of butts in seats every night of his tour, but in 2012, Psy had what none of them did: a-once-in-a-decade hit that can’t be replicated.”

The song “inspired more parodies than Clint Eastwood at the [Republican National Convention] and, oh yeah, racked up nearly 1 billion views on YouTube,” the music channel added, referring to how Psy set a new record on the world’s leading video-sharing site.