Saturday, November 17, 2012

Eunjung "Want to forget it all. Please withdraw the sanctions against Five Fingers' Production Company"

- Heard about the sanctions against Five Fingers’ production company while promoting in Japan
- Told the Management Entertainment Association “Want to forget it all”

T-ara’s Eunjung has requested the Management Entertainment Agency to withdraw its boycott of Five Fingers’ production company YEIN E&M.

The Korean Entertainment Management Association (KEMA), in any interview with eDaily StarIn on the afternoon of the 16th, said about its sanction procedure against YEIN E&M “A sudden change in variable occurred after the news spread that we had sent out documents [regarding YEIN E&M to our members], right now, our procedure is put on halt.” A related person from KEMA said “It is because T-ara’s Eunjung, who is currently promoting in Japan, has requested KEMA to withdraw the sanctions against Five Fingers’ production company YEIN E&M regarding the dispute about her being forced off the drama.”

This afternoon, Eunjung expressed to KEMA “Putting aside right or wrong, I want to put down everything related to Five Fingers and forget it all. If the sanctions against the production company can be withdrawn, then let’s just pretend this did not happen.”

Because of Eunjung’s request, KEMA is currently figuring out how to solve this problem. YEIN E&M had forced an actor to leave after completion of contract singing, poster shooting, script reading and the press conference, so this cannot be seen only as a problem between one actor and one production company. To prevent similar things from happening again in the future, KEMA decided to respond by taking boycotting measures. Another related person said “Although Eunjung’s opinion should be placed first in resolving this issue, but from KEMA’s perspective, some measures have to be put into place to prevent this from happening again in the future.”

Today, KEMA had delivered documents to its members and member companies (around 130) regarding Five Finger’s unilateral termination of Eunjung. The document said “We were determined to rectify the normal drama production relations and had requested for the actor’s return to the drama and for an undertaking not to allow such things to happen again, but YEIN as usual remained silent, avoiding responsibility and deceiving our Association”, “We hope that our members will confirm with our Association first before deciding to appear in YEIN E&M productions. It is our plan to implement this for 2 years (until December 2014)." [In effect meaning that without any special reasons, KEMA members should not appear in YEIN E&M dramas.]

This measure is the follow up to Eunjung's sudden termination from SBS’s drama Five Fingers in August. At the time, KEMA and the Korean Broadcasting and Actors Union (KBAU) had, on the 28th, issued its protests against SBS and Five Fingers’ production company YEIN E&M for forcing Eunjung off the drama. YEIN E&M had also expressed its stance, stating that it would take strong legal measures if Eunjung’s side continues to make unreasonable propositions. The two sides were always in opposition.

Translated from TCN Chinese Trans:
Original article: