Thursday, August 2, 2012

CL has never cried since debut,but....

The first solo stage was decorated by leader CL. Against the backdrop of splendid LED lights, CL set the stage on fire with her dazzling DJ-ing skills. She, who mixed the music with ease, posessed more than just ordinary skills (with the DJ set). Even if Madonna made an appearance then, she would have too, been sucked into the explosive passion of CL’s stage.

“Are you ready to enjoy today?“, CL said, “Let’s really play crazily today“, which incited the maximum response from the audience.

“We had a lot of preparations done for today but how is it? Are we doing well?“, CL said with concern. “Since debut, I’ve never cried in front of everyone before but today as the concert progresses, I’ve had to hold back my tears. I am so thankful for everyone’s love and support. I will show you everything I’ve got. You’re all ready to go crazy, right? Shall we all play together?“

Translated by