Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[INTERVIEW] INFINITE on Haru*Hana Japan Magazine vol. 13 August Issue!

The DVD that’s fully loaded with their private sides, their candidness will make your heart skip!!
In Japan, we were able to enjoy the same kind of freedom we experienced in “Sesame Player”!

What is INFINITE’s charm? Their name has become synonymous with their perfectly aligned 99.9% rate of synchronization in dance and singing, and together with their authentic personalities, they have captivated numerous fans. That kind of “naturalness” that they have can be fully enjoyed through their Korean realistic variety program. The private lives that “Sesame Player” sneaked into, the honest faces that so many people fell for, what are they like?

— In “Sesame Player”, you all ran away from the manager in search of freedom, went to various places, and tricked and deceived each other… what are some of the memories you still have?
Sunggyu: L and Woohyun betrayed our friendship and became spies for the managers. It was like I was trapped in my distrust of people.
Dongwoo: I thought that I was deceiving everyone, but I was shocked that it was actually me who was deceived.
Woohyun: It’s impossible for Dongwoo to deceive people. He will definitely be the deceived one. You can’t let bad women deceive you~
Hoya: During the program recording, the fans were like “The manager is nearby so run away!” and so they ended up helping us like that (laugh). But truthfully, weren’t the manager hyungs the ones who had the most fun?
Sungyeol: That’s right, the manager hyungs were pretty seriously chasing after us so it was scary (laugh) and they run fast too!

— In April, when you returned with “Be Mine”, I heard that you were able to enjoy the kind of freedom like in “Sesame Player”?
Sungjong: Yes. In Osaka we had just a half day off, and Dongwoo-hyung and I went to Universal Studios Japan. We were the first ones to wake up, right?
Dongwoo: We went right when it opened, so we enjoyed all kinds of attractions. Oh, and of course the manager hyungs were with us (laugh)
L: Sungyeol and I went to the streets of Osaka with no intentions, and wandered around.
Sungyeol: We went to the batting center!
L: Yeah. Both me and Sungyeol couldn’t hit the balls at all~
Hoya: I took the boat to Osaka Castle by myself. I was able to experience the culture of Japan.
Woohyun: I had a cold and was down with a fever… while everyone was having fun, I was sleeping in the hotel. Although I was able to recover thanks to the rest, Sunggyu was…
Sunggyu: I was tired so I crashed. When I woke up, everyone was already gone (laugh)
Sungjong: Even though you take lots of health vitamins. Fufufu
Sunggyu: Ah, this is also all because of “Sesame Player”. Now I’ve completely been made into a grandpa character… (laugh). I will say this now. I am a healthy young man!

— In “Sesame Player”, the strict practice environment of your practice room was also shown, but even while in Japan after your schedules are over, you would practice every day until midnight for the sake of “The Chaser” comeback, right?
Sunggyu: Yes. As soon as we returned from Japan, we took a helicopter to visit five places in Korea in one day because we had showcases and our comeback.

— For “The Chaser”, you reached first place on four music broadcasts, and achieved the triple crown by winning for three consecutive weeks on M Countdown. Woohyun, you cried again, right (laugh)
Woohyun: No matter how many times we get first place, I still can’t believe it… I recall all of the difficult things that have happened and the tears just come out.

— “Be Mine” also achieved second place in the rankings, and you have become a top artist in both Korea and Japan. From now on, what is INFINITE’s objective in Japan?
Woohyun: We want to do a dome tour. We must have big dreams! How many domes are there in Japan?

— The five locations are in Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyocera (Osaka), and Fukuoka.
Woohyun: Then, we want to conquer them all. First off, I’d want to hold one in the biggest of them all, Tokyo Dome.
Dongwoo: When we first came to Japan, we had a performance in Tokyo Dome.
Hoya: The awesome cheers we received for BTD ‘s scorpion dance are unforgettable.
Sunggyu: Later this summer, we will go to Japan. Because we’ll be able to meet everyone, please look forward to it!

1989.4.28 | 178cm | Blood type A
Tokyo Disneyland, when will I be able to go…

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: Namsan!! The view is extremely pretty~

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: I keep saying that I’ve always wanted to go there, but Tokyo Disneyland. When will I be able to go…

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: Myself! It’s because I am a sincere and good man. My heart is like the sea.

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: L can really eat well!

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: I think I should never forget to have a beginner’s mindset and to work hard!!

1990.11.22 | 175cm | blood type A
Of course night views are for dates, right? Fufufu.

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: Building 63 and Namsan Tower! Fufufu. I also recommend them for dates. I mean, night views are for dates, right?

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: Because there is both Disneyland and Disney Sea, I heard that one day is not enough to get around. I want to stay longer and go.

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: Sunggyu. Since he has a lot of pressure being the leader, or because he seems to have accumulated stress, recently he has been sleeptalking a lot… nevertheless, he takes care of everything that needs to be done!

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: Sungyeol really likes scratching other people.

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: More importantly than getting first place, I’m thankful to all of the fans who kindly love our style and our music out of so many other singers, so I work with the feeling of repaying all the love that we’ve been given.

1991.2.8 | 176cm | blood type B
I want to relax at the hot springs!

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: Namsan Tower.

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: Hot springs~!! I want to relax.

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: Sunggyu. As a leader he has to resolve the members’ issues that are troublesome, difficult, etc., and he always thinks only about the members.

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: I will not betray our friendship. I cannot tell you any secrets.

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: To be someone who is always improving, and to work with an honest and sincere attitude.

1991.3.28 | 178cm | blood type AB
Of course you have to respect your elders!

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: Everyone will answer this way, but it’s Namsan Tower for me too. Though, I still haven’t gone before (laugh). I’m containing my desire to go.

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: I want to go to Disneyland~

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: Sunggyu. Of course, you have to respect your seniors.

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: Dongwoo can’t eat oysters.

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: I always keep in mind that I should not forget to have a beginner’s mindset.

1991.8.27 | 183cm | blood type B
I want to be shown a great place in Japan!

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: During the day would be shopping at Myeongdong~ and then Namsan Tower at night.

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: We haven’t really had the chance to go out in Japan… so I would want to go anywhere. I’d like to be guided to a great place by Japanese girls.

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: Woohyun. I’m currently learning how to earn the love of fans like he does.

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: I can’t tell you because it’s a secret!

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: I’m not satisfied with myself right now, so I want to work with the attitude of always improving myself.

1992.3.13 | 180cm | Type O
I want to spend a day outdoors at the Han River

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: The Han River~!! I want to spend a refreshing day outdoors.

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: Tokyo Tower, the other members have gone before and said that it was fun. Afterwards I want to go shopping in the Shibuya-Harujuku area!

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: Our leader Sunggyu. Because he leads the team for us~!!

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: Sungyeol sleeps with his eyes open.

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: I won’t forget to keep a beginner’s mindset!

1993.9.3 | 179cm | Type A
I respect all of the member hyungs

Q: Just like in “Sesame Player”, if you could run away from the manager, where in Korea would you want to go?
A: I want to experience the feeling of hiking on Namsan (mountain).

Q: In Japan, where would you want to go if you could run away from the manager?
A: Although we’ve been there once, I want to go and see the beautiful scenery from Tokyo Tower.

Q:  In “Sesame Player”, we were able to glimpse the relationships between the members, but within the group, who can you respect the most?
A: I respect all of the member hyungs. Each of them has parts that I should respect.

Q: The secret of a member that only you know, or their weak point, please tell us!
A: Dongwoo hyung sleeps with his eyes open.

Q: Now I’ll ask about the title track “THE CHASER.” Two years have passed since you debuted in Korea, your position has quickly risen, you’ve gotten first place… what kind of pride do you approach your work with?
A: Just like when we debuted, I will do my very best.

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