Saturday, July 20, 2013

Angels donate in celebration for Teen Top's 3rd Anniversary

Teen Top's Angels are good samaritans for donating mineral water in the name of Teen Top as they celebrate the group's 3rd Anniversary on July 10.

Teen Top's Angels provided mineral water for victims of disaster through Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS), which is one of the members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Teen Top has proved that they have fans who are generous enough in helping those in distress. Malaysian Angels, with the help of  Indonesian Angels,  have gathered a total amount of 700 MYR in support for their beloved group. They have successfully donated the said amount in the name of Teen Top and secured a certificate.

Truest as what their fanclub name is, Angels must be proud of themselves for doing such things that would benefit both of them, their idols and other people in need as well.

Congratulations for the project. We hope that many fans would follow what others have started.
You can also check their other projects HERE as well.

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