Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seventeen's 9th member, Jeon Won Woo, revealed!

Seventeen released the 9th profile member for Jeon Won Woo!
Details are below:
Name: JEON WONWOO / 전원우 / ジョン・ウォンウ
Birth date : 96.07.17
Blood: A
Career: NU’EST ‘Face’ M/V
              HELLO VENUS ‘Venus’ M/V
             SEVENTEEN TV Season 1.2 & SEVENTEEN SHOW
Jeon Won Woo already has five notebooks of lyrics that he wrote himself. But when he's asked what song that describes him, he answered it is PSY's.
He explained, “It’s a song that says I’ll be a celebrity for who I am. I think I should always bear that thought in my mind. I want to be a Happy Virus to people! I’ll keep my faith!!” 
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