Friday, June 14, 2013

KPOP Star Hunt 2's Sammie Ng Greets DKPOPNEWS Readers!

Hello DKPOPNEWS readers!

How have you guys been? You have waited for so long for the next greeting video. This time, the greeting video is from Sammie Ng. Check out the video below as the Top 12 of KPOP Star Hunt Season 2's Sammie greets our loyal reader.

Sammie is currently in Singapore pursuing her studies. If she has free time, she does some covers and uploads it on her Youtube account. Show her your love and support by following her official account:

Are you excited for the next greeting video? We will reveal the next video once our YouTube gets 1550 subscribers. Share this and let your friends subscribe on our YouTube channel which is: DKPOPNEWSMEDIA

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