Friday, June 14, 2013

Eunhyuk bursts with frustration over his hacker on twitter

Super Junior member Eunhyuk's twitter account got hacked and the usually reserved member of the the group finally exploded and expressed his frustration and anger.

On June 14, fans noticed a '@ParkCY9211' in Eunhyuk's followings. Fans assumed that it is the real twitter of EXO's Park Chan Yeol and started to follow the account. However, a little later, Eunhyuk tweeted a very firm and straight to the point message to his hacker.

"Who are you? Stop hacking me. At the moment we are so busy with the music video, then because of you manager hyungs and company were troubled. I even called up by them and asked me to changed my password. I don't know how to tweet properly."

This message cleared that Eunhyuk twitter was hacked and followed a fake Park Chanyeol. After Eunhyuk's tweet, the hacker deleted his account. Fans were agitated and asked Eunhyuk to change his password.

Hopefully, hackers would realized how big the trouble they cause.

Source: Eunhyuk's twitter
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