Saturday, May 18, 2013

Teen Top Niel selca says, "I miss you"

Teen Top concluded their 1st concert in Seoul on May 12 and Teen Top Niel already misses their fans.

On May 16, while enjoying his rest, Niel uploaded an adorable selca and wrote, "The weather is really good. Are you doing well? I miss you~~." However, fans couldn't see Niel's usual bright smile simply because he's missing his Angels.

Niel is wearing a comfortable sleeveless top and made fans squealed with his orange-colored lips. Fans commented, "You are so sweet!","I miss you too oppa~goodluck for your concert!","Your lips are so pretty." and so on.

Meanwhile, as for their 2nd stop for '2013 TEEN TOP No.1 Asia Tour', Teen Top will go to Kobe, Japan on May 18 and Tokyo on May 21-22.

Source: Niel's twitter
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