Monday, May 20, 2013

miss A's Suzy sheds tears at "Gu Family Book" press conference

 miss A's Suzy shed tears at the press conference of "Gu Family Book" on 20th May, attracting much attention from fans and media.

During the interview, when she was told that she set a new record of 10 billion won CF deals, she said, "I'm really thankful, when i have more CF, have more responsibility at the same time. Will be really careful."

Lee Seunggi then said, "Really pity Suzy sometimes, her rest time is used up for CF, so she does not have much time to rest".

Suzy burst into tears upon hearing Seunggi's remark, hope that she will get enough rest after ending "Gu Family Book" filming.

Anyway, check out some nice pics taken during the interview. Suzy himnae!