Saturday, May 11, 2013

Heechul reveals, "Sungmin will do well in army, Donghae can't do anything alone"

Super Junior Heechul who is DJ-ing Sungdong Cafe as a part of his public service in the army talked about his members and army life.

On May 10, Heechul shared a story about which member he and Kangin think will do well in public life (army).

Heechul proudly said that it's Sungmin. He said, "He looks pretty but he is really manly. He will really do it well." He added that Shindong and Eunhyuk will also do well.

However, if there are members who will do well, there is also one who he thinks can't. He revealed that it's his dongsaeng Donghae. Heechul explained that he is most worried towards Donghae because he easily gets lonely when he's alone. He said,  "If he's alone, he can't do anything. So I think he can't do public life well."

Watch the clip below:

Source: heechulfacts@YT
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