Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lee Hi becomes a CF model for smartphone

Rookie singer Lee Hi has been selected as the new model for a cellphone brand.

On April 9, YG Entertainment revealed that Lee Hi, who just made her debut 5 months ago, has been chosen as CF model for LG Electronics’ main smartphone model, ‘Optimus G PRO.’ She will also participate in ‘G PRO SONG’ music project with comedian Park Myung Soo and singer Kim Bum Soo.

Park Myung Soo, who recently became recognized as a producer, arranged the commercial song of ‘Optimus G PRO’, making it into three different versions; each version will be sung by the three musicians.

Those who want to participate can join by sending in their lyrics, and they will be examined by Park Myung Soo, Kim Bum Soo, and Lee Hi. After the lyrics get decided, the three will be singing one song each.