Thursday, April 4, 2013

Girl’s Day holds free hug event in Myungdong

Girl’s Day fulfilled their free hug pledge.

On April 3rd, the group held a free hug event in Myungdong to commemorate the release of their first full length album, ‘Expectation’ as well as their upcoming 1,000th day anniversary.

Girl’s Day promised that if their first album reached number one, they would give free hugs to their fans. As it turns out, the album has topped online music charts and places high on music broadcasting programs.

During the event, Girl’s Day members expressed their thanks for the fans with hugs and bright smiles.

Netizens commented, “They are great”, “They didn’t become #1 in any shows, but they still kept their pledge” and “I hope you will become #1 someday.”

Check out the photos below: