Saturday, March 30, 2013

ZE:A's Kwanghee and Boom to host a new show

On March 29, tvN announced on their official website, "We will make the showbiz explode with Boom and Kwanghee"

It has been reported that Boom and Kwanghee of ZE:A will be MCs for the new TV show "Friends treating You To Something". In this program, MCs will become viewer's friends through KakaoTalk and participate in the challenge together.

PD Park Sung Jae revealed "Human relationships are becoming wider, as the smartphone and SNS are increasingly popular. The owner of the phone and their phone contacts will have the real connection as friends of the 21st century. We thought it would be interesting to create a program that viewers at home can participate, and celebrities are no longer the image on TV, they will also be part of the program".
He added, "Boom and Kwanghee wiill make friends with viewers through KakaoTalk and viewers can give requests to talk with other celebrities and share their stories. Although Boom and Kwanghee are celebrities, they are extremely friendly and helpful, so I think they are the perfect MCs for this program".

It has also been reported that in just one week since the MC started making friends through KakaoTalk, 20,000 fans have registered showing many interests toward this new program.

"Friends treating You To Something" will be aired on tvN since April 14.
Written by Jenny@DKPOPNEWS