Sunday, February 3, 2013

Kim Kiri reveals symptoms of hair loss, “I’ve practiced 3 days for 30 seconds of 2YOON stage”

Gagman Kim Kiri has revealed that he faced hair loss symptoms.

During their family concert ’2013 United Cube Concert-Cube Party”, Kim Kiri expressed, “I have to perform for 2YOON’s stage for less than 30 seconds” and, “Because of this 30 seconds, I’ve worked hard for about 3 days. I faced some symptoms of hair loss because of stress.”

He then continued, “I’m really bad at dancing, but I’ve practiced hard since we wished to do it together” and, “During the performance, I worried if I’m just a nobody”, revealing his inner thoughts.

Kim Kiri further stated, “I don’t perform on other stages other than 2YOON’s” and, “It’s short, but I hope it will come out strong”.

Source: TV Daily