Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Block B Special DVD : BBC World Camp Details

Published by: CJ Entertainment

Disc 1: Block B BINGO GAME (80 min)
Chapter 1) Bingo Game 1 : God of Study Block B
Chapter 2) Bingo Game 2 : Entertainment Industry's Blue Chip Block B
Chapter 3) Bingo Game 3 : Popular Block B
Chapter 4) Bingo Game 4 : Eating Demons Block B
Chapter 5) Bingo Game 5 : Dance Machine Block B * Concert Chapter
(01. Synchronization 100% / 02. LOL / 03. Close My Eyes / 04. Nanrina / 05. I'm Embarrassed, Don't Laugh)
Disc 2: Block B HEALING CAMP (62 min)
Chapter 1) Block B Interview
Chapter 2) Block B Healing Talk


Let's enjoy watching Block B's new images
Which couldn't easily seen during that time!

Block B SPECIAL DVD [BBC WORLD CAMP] will be released this January 31st. This package which is comprised of a total of 2 DVDs and a 110-page photobook, contains the image of Block B's unbridled freedom at the "World Camp" in the hot summer of 2012 that made Block B fans even more fired up!
Containing the impressive and free image they showed on stage at the time along with the happy images they couldn't show on site, it will gift the fans with big satisfaction!
This SPECIAL DVD will become the best present as a gift of memory for fans who joined World Camp, and to sooth the regrets of fans who could not participate.

Package Specifications
Package size : 297mm * 210mm (width*height)
DVD running time : Disc 1 - 80 min / Disc 2 - 62 min
DVD code : All
Photobook Page Number : Approximately 110 pages

Source: Synnara
Translated By: youngha @ BLOCKBINTL