Monday, December 3, 2012

Lee Seung Gi only likes pretty girls?

Comedienne Shin Bora told the public that Lee Seung Gi only likes pretty girls.

On the most recent episode of KBS 2TV ‘Gag Concert-Brave Guys’, Shin Bora mentioned singer Lee Seung Gi who appeared as a guest on the show just the week before. She said, “Lee Seung Gi was so well mannered, and he took photos with every female comedians.”

She then brought up one picture that was taken of Lee Seung Gi and comedienne Kim Ji Min which showed Lee Seung Gi having his arm around Kim Ji Min’s shoulder. However, in the photo he took with Oh Nami, he stood a bit of distance away from her. Oh Nami looked very happy whereas Lee Seung Gi was more reserved.

Shin Bora then shouted, “Lee Seung Gi discriminates based on a woman’s face!”, evoking much laughter to the studio.