Tuesday, December 25, 2012

IU speaks up for the first time since photo scandal

IU has recently updated her fans with a Christmas message.

On November 25th, IU made a new post on her official fan website. The post is drawing many people’s attention as it’s her first post after the scandal with Super Junior’s EunHyuk broke out in November.

IU said:
How have you been. My fans~

It was so frustrating trying keep the doors closed.
It's a white Christmas! But I haven't been able to go outside ㅜㅜ
Ah, I was so frustrated because I really wanted to write a post. But because of that I was able to learn that I could do a lot of other things during my free time other than leaving replies on everyone’s comments.
Sorry to fans who has gotten a lot thinner because of your worries.. And I’m even more sorry for gaining weight even though I was the one who caused the trouble...
Since today is Christmas!! I thought the timing was right? I’m just going to say a quick hello then leaving again! Everyone, seriously, be careful not to catch a cold!

I’m going to open my doors soon so everyone anticipate while drinking juice on the floor!!

Credit: WeheartIU