Thursday, November 8, 2012

Psy still standing strong in Billboard charts for 7th consecutive week

Psy is still standing strong in the Billboard charts. His single "Gangnam Style" is still standing strong in the number 2 spot in the charts for the 7th consecutive week. He is still behind Maroon 5's "One more night" which is at it's 8th consecutive week in the number 1 spot.

It seems that Gangnam Style is trailing behind even more this time as the gap between Psy's song and Maroon 5 rose from 600 points to 2000 points this week. Despite Psy's single not showing any hopes of taking the number 1 spot in the charts, he is doing well with his overseas promotions. He recently held a lecture at the Oxford University and is scheduled to attend the MTV Europe Music Awards.

Source: Newsen
Written by: blueprincess824 @