Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kang Min Kyung shows off her dance moves for DHC Korea CF

Davichi's Kang Min Kyung showed off her dancing skills in the latest CF video for cosmetic brand DHC Korea.

Her CF was revealed online which quickly gained interest from fans. Kang Min Kyung was endorsing the new product from DHC which is a product in collaboration with Disney.

In the CF you can see Kang Min Kyung showing off her cute side and also showed some dance moves. Netizens commented, "She's great in acting and singing, is she trying out dancing too?", "It's a little awkward watching her dance but it's still cute", "She's so adorable, I cannot stop watching it". Check out her CF below:

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net