Sunday, November 4, 2012

JYJ NII Fanmeeting – Jaejoong’s SECRET of rejuvenation?

Jaejoong’s SECRET of rejuvenation? Check out the interview below.


Yoochun: (picks a post-it and reads the question written on it)
“Kim Jaejoong, your secret of rejuvenation? You really look young these days!”
Yeah, It seems that he is aging backwards.

Jaejoong: Me, I’m making an effort for it, really.

MC: When I first saw Jaejoong, he was 18… right? He still looks exactly the same as when I first saw him.

Yoochun: That’s not, to be honset.

Fans: *Laughing*

MC: Did I exaggerate too much? LOL. I was also thinking I was thoughtless while saying that. LOL

Jaejoong: I didn’t even use skin lotion at that time. However, these days… really… When I wash my face, I use oil cleansing…and wash off all over again using cleansing foam. Now I put skin lotion, toner, essence, eye cream and all on my face.

I once looked at my smiling face (reflected in the mirror), wrinkles on my face were no joke. So I thought I got wrinkles because I lost weight, but no, I realized it is the result of time. (That is why) I’m making an effort.

Yoochun: Yeah, we really should put them on face. It would have been better than now if you started to put them on your face when you were a little more younger.

Jaejoong: I really didn’t care (for my skin) at that time.

MC: So the secret is? “Put (skincare products) on your face!”

Audio Credit: @mj0126mj
Translated by: @126×204