Thursday, November 15, 2012

IU's hit song Good Day is not a hit on karaoke?

It looks like IU's hit song "Good Day" is not popular in karaokes.

On the 14th of November broadcast of MBC "Dancing in the golden mic" they featured students from Dae Jin University , the school is celebrating their 21st anniversary. They conducted a survey which involved 100 male college students.

The question was, "Which song sung by a girl do you least like to sing in karaokes?". The number 1 song that came out on the survey was IU's "Good Day". There were two major reasons why college students don't like to sing IU's song on karaoke's. First was that it was awkward if they would sing it themselves and not IU and its hard to sing IU's 3 level high note.

Source: nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @