Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chae Yeon transformed into Britney Spears?

Solo singer Chae Yeon transformed into Britney Spears?

Recently, Chae Yeon surprised netizens with her photo update in twitter, she tweeted on the 12th of November and shared, "I turned into Britney Spears for the Chinese Television show 百变大咖秀" and she also shared a photo.

On the photo you can see her wearing the iconic Britney Spears look from her hit song "Toxic". Chae Yeon sure looked pretty hot just like the original Britney Spears. Netizens commented, "I want to see her make a cover of Britney Spears toxic", "She has a nice body", "She's a sexy queen in Korea for sure". What do you think?

Source: Nate