Saturday, November 3, 2012

A-Pink reveal their favorite singers and male groups on EPOP magazine

A Pink Interview with EPOP Magazine Malaysia

Q: What does ‘happiness’ means for you?

    Hayoung: A comfort, stable, and healthiness.

    Namjoo: The power of a positive minds

    Eunji: Happiness for me is when I’m with the people that I love. Musics make me happy too

Q: Your favorite variety show?

    Bomi: We once appeared in 4minute variety show (Travel Maker), Our relationship with 4minute is so good. I hope one day I can travel with all APINK members

    Naeun: (Apink News) has already reached season3. I feel a bit pressure because I need to be funny in a show. We faced a lot of difficulties but at the same time it was fun too. It was a beautiful memories for us.

Q: If you can take a break for a week, what you want to do?

    Naeun: I wanna spend my time with my family. After I finished my activities with Apink, I was busy with dramas and film. If I have some free time I would like to be with my family.

    Chorong: I have a sister and younger sister. After I joined APINK, I rarely met them and I’d really love to have a vacation with them.

Q: Choose one member which you wanna go on a vacation with.

    Naeun: It will be fun if I can go with all members. We don’t wanna go on a vacation with only one member, we wanna go together

    Hayoung: Must go with all 7 members together! If not we won’t go

    Bomi: Hayoung is so mature though she is the maknae..

    Eunji: Liar….

Q: Which county  you wanna visit?

    Hayoung: Australia, the scenery must be really beautiful! I wanna enjoy my life in Australia!

    Namjoo: I wanna ride the scariest roller-coaster in America!

    Chorong: This is our first time visiting Malaysia. Because we only came here for the performances so we didn’t have much time to go for a walk. Before we came here we did a photo research about Malaysia. We saw the beautiful Kota Kinabalu! Next time we come here I wanna go there.

Q: Which member bring most luggage when you went to oversea?

    Apink: Yookyung, she always brings 2-3 luggages.

    Eunji: She has so much luggage that I thought she is migrating. She will also bring one empty luggage. When she goes her luggage is empty, but when we are going back it is already full!

    Hayoung: I bring few luggages too..

    Chorong: Hayoung’s is the heaviest!

    Naeun: Hayoung’s luggage is a magic bag.. You can find lots of things in it.. If you need something just ask Hayoung..

Q: Name 3 things that you must bring to a desert.

    Bomi: Water to drink and handphone in a desert in order for me to live. And also APINK members, I don’t wanna live miserably..

    APINK: Wahh, thank you!

    Bomi: We are a family

    Yookyung: A satellite, handphone and water.. If I wanna use a phone I need to have a satellite too

    Bomi: She has her own world

    Chorong: Foods, boyfriend,..

    APINK: Wow~~~~

    Chorong: I wanna build a house there

Q: What did you do when you were tired?

    Chorong: We slept a lot at the hostel when we were tired. We also love to watch movies. Bomi has her own radio station in her room. She is the DJ and she always disturbs us with her musics when we were sleeping. She named her radio station “Ppang Ppang Radio” and she even took songs requests (laughs)

    Bomi: Eunji is good at singing. She always sings for me when I am tired..

    Eunji: Only for Bomi. She likes my singing but other members don’t, they said my singing was too noisy (laughs) I love you Bomi

    Bomi: I love you

    Eunji: I love you

Q: What you wanna be if you were an animal?

    Chorong: A squirrel, chipmunk~ (laughs)

    Bomi: Bird. My nickname is Angry Bird. When I arrived at the airport a fan gave me an angry bird bag (Then Bomi make an angry birds’ sounds)

    APINK: Eunji is the Sea Lion..

Q: What do you think of other members when you first saw them?

    Hayoung: Bomi unnie is so cool and hard to approach

    Eunji: Bomi doesn’t know how to mingle with a stranger. She becomes a quite person when she met them. It is not because she is a cool person but situations make her one.

    Hayoung: But after we knew her she is friendly and easy to approach

    Namjoo: When I first saw chorong unnie I said to myself “Wow~ She is so pretty!” (Apink laughs)

    Chorong: Thank you (giggles)

    Eunji: Kidding

    Chorong: Eunji is the last member to join Apink. She looks naive but she is good at singing. She also have another sides. She is funny, active and outgoing. She is easy to approach and right now maybe you already becomes her friend?

    Eunji: I love you~ (while looking at Chorong)

    Eunji: Back then Chorong unnie is really pretty

    Chorong: Back then?

    Eunji: Right now she is also pretty. After we had knew each other for a long time, I found that all members is easy to approach, friendly and also pretty. When I first saw Bomi, she was dancing and I thought, “Wow she is so sexy!”

    Bomi: Only Eunji thinks that

    APINK: She is the main dancer in Apink..

Q: Apink is male idols favorite group such as MBLAQ, Super Junior and F.CUZ

    Eunji: I am grateful. They treat us like a sister and took care of us well.

    Namjoo: I need to work harder because I know lots of people are watching us

Q: Which singer that you are most amazed of?

    Yookyung: BoA. When I was a kid, I always watched her and want to be like her.

    Hayoung: I was listened to Lee Hyori when she was still in Fin.K.L

Source: EPOP Magazine
Translated by @syaseob