Friday, November 16, 2012

2NE1 Discuss Motherhood, Acting and Stress in Interview with Singapore’s ‘My Paper’

Bom, who likes children, has stated that she wants to be a wife and future mother.
Korean girl group 2NE1 will be having their concert in Singapore on the 1 December. Members CL,Bom, Dara and Minzy has accepted an interview by My Paper before the concert. They were asked about how they felt coming to Singapore and their thoughts of having children in the future.

Main vocalist Bom stated that she loves children and said, ” Every child is cute to me!” Regarding the question of the ideal age of getting married and having a family, she said, “I’m not very sure when I’ll get married, but once I get married, I want to be a good wife and mother.”

Dara revealed her secret to being slim by saying, “I don’t specially go on a diet, I’m naturally slim. I usually eat very little and recently, I feel full after eating for 20 minutes. I’ve been eating like this since young. Actually, this is good for the body, so everyone, let’s eat slowly!”

Before Dara went to Korea to train to become part of 2NE1, she acted in many Philippines films and movies. When asked whether she still has the desire to be an actress, she said, “Being a movie star is an awesome job, it also gives me a different sense of satisfaction than from being a singer. If I were to act again, I hope it’s a romantic comedy where someone falls in love with a prince or a character which has a completely different personality from me.”

2NE1 has been hailed as one of the top girl groups in Korea, and they undoubtedly have hectic schedules and stress from work. Minzy said that her best of way relieving stress is “To listen to different genres is music, which lets me relieve lots of stress!”

About the upcoming New Evolution Concert in Singapore, leader CL said, “Every trip to Singapore has been a memorable one. I’m grateful to the support of the Singaporean fans. I hope you will come for this concert.”
Note: My Paper  is a free, bilingual (English and Chinese) newspaper in Singapore published by the Singapore Press Holdings.  It has a daily circulation of 300,000 copies.

Source: Singapore’s My Paper {Hard Copy}, wiki
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