Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sungmin, 'Mr. Know-It-All' needs advice!

Super Junior Sungmin updated his blog and posted a selca.
However, seems like Super Junior's pretty boy is quite confused.

He wrote,

Title: Which side should I choose...Mr know-it-all~
Date: 28 Oct 2012

I gained weight....It's more comfortable when singing but it's not nice visually..ㅠㅠ
Which side should I choose....

I...which side~should I go......
what is it for~~

Here's his latest selca:

Title: In a long time..A throw!!!!!
Date: 28 Oct 2012

 Heu ah~~Sleepy~~
Alright, now let's go for the performance!^^

Anyone can give him advice?

Source: Sungmin's blog
Translated by heequeenTing
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