Saturday, October 20, 2012

Midnight Play with Lee Jungshin in Elle Girl

EG: Today you changed your hair style. You look good with short hair! Don’t you feel any regrets? Since you have kept long hair for so long.
Jungshin: I had my hair this short after 5~6 years. My hair was really long till I started drama‘My Daughter Seo Young‘. My hair was down to the collarbone, and I cut it when I started filming. It was as much as one year length. My hair was still long even after I cut it, but I felt most regretful at that moment.

Actually I was getting comments like  ‘I want you to have your hair cut. You look stuffy‘. So I was talking to myself, “It’s OK, I will cut soon.” Finally I could cut my hair today. I feel happy. And I hope to hear (people said),  ‘You look cool, You look good.’

EG: Don’t you get hurt by such comments or bad responses?
Jungshin: I‘m not the kind of person who easily gets  hurt and worry by myself  thinking ‘What should I do…’. I enjoy watching what people talk about me. Of course I can hear both good words and bad words. Those are all interest toward me. Being a prey for them is not that bad. (laughs)

EG: Not long ago, Minhyuk and Jonghyun’s drama ended successfully. You are succeeding them with acting, don’t you feel burdened? 
Jungshin: The ones who would feel burdened are the lead actors, staffs and writer. This is my first drama. I just hope I will not do harm to ‘My Daughter Seo Young‘‘. I also hope that different from CNBLUE Lee Jungshin, I would get familiar to any scene on TV. Of course I hope my acting skill gets better.

EG: Acting is the first challenge for you, what is different from music?
Jungshin: Jonghyun Hyung once said at an interview that acting and playing music are the same because both are arts. So I asked him what is same between those two. I can’t seem to find any similarities between them. Music is me being  myself when I play the musical instruments. But acting is what I express about the character, which can be different from myself.
EG: It seems like the members monitor each other, even the interviews.
Jungshin: After ‘A Gentlemen’s Dignity’, Jonghyun Hyung had many interview schedules. I read them all at fan sites. I thought, “Me and him and CNBLUE have grown up a lot.” Actually Jonghyun Hyung and I talk to each other face to face everyday, but we never have such embarrassing conversation. But I could see his thoughts which may make him embarrassed. Although sometimes I thought “Why did he say it like that~” but at some points, I was happy I could learn his inner feeling.

EG: ‘Yonghwa’s love toward Lee Jungshin’ is well known to fans. You two always share room at hotels.
Jungshin: My real brother who is doing his military service now is the same age as Yonghwa Hyung, born in 1989. Maybe because of that, and Yonghwa Hyung and I have similar personalities, our way of talking. We match well when we are talking about clothes or girls.

We play tricks on each other, and both of us are very noisy. ‘Today’s target is Minhyuk’, then we would bother Minhyuk. Then Minhyuk would bother me and Yonghwa Hyung. I thinkYonghwa Hyung may feel more comfortable towards me than Minhyuk. Ah I should have not said that. Haha anyway, we suit each other well.

EG: Then aren’t you closer to him than to your real brother?
Jungshin: No, I am very much close to my real brother. That’s why the members are jealous to us (Jungshin and his real brother). They say they’ve never seen a guy who Kakao Talk to his real brother. I think I am blessed. Actually I thought we could even live together till one of us gets married. But since I am living separately ever since my debut, so that’s why we miss each other more, think and care about each other more.

EG: I heard members feel most comfortable in your room.
Jungshin: Haha. I need one more bed in my room. When I come home after my schedule one day, Jonghyun Hyung is sleeping on my bed, and another day it was Yonghwa Hyung sleeping on it.

EG: I want to know how your room is.
Jungshin: Just an ordinary room. Clothes hanger, desk, cosmetics, books, CDs, computer, bed, stand etc. The funny thing is, the members say they feel warm in my room during winter and it’s cool in summer.

When I was a kid, we had an expensive, thick blanket embroidered with golden fish and microfiber blankets. I couldn’t sleep without it. Our member were fascinated by that microfiber blankets, so my mother changed (bought) Yonghwa and Jonghyun Hyung’s blankets. (laughs)

EG: These days the hot key words are ‘Music of 90s‘, and ‘Anipang’. This question first, who were your favorite singers in the 90s?
Jungshin: Jo Seong Mo and Yoo Seung Joon. And when I was younger, it was Seo Taeji! If I listen to those songs, I would be reminded of my elementary school days playing computer games. I used to play games listening to music endlessly from Bugs Music. Now if I listen to those songs again, I can remember what game I played, what I thought.

EG: How about ‘Anipang’? Who is the best at it among the four of you?
Jungshin: All we four played it really hard. We sent hearts to each other. Private ranking is,Minhyuk is the top with 200,000 points. Yonghwa Hyung and I are about 100,000 points.Jonghyun Hyung is the poorest.

At first I wondered how people get 500,000 points, but I made it. With big screen tablet PC,Minhyuk played at the left side, I would play on the right side, we got 560,000 points and felt like a hero for a week. But we got bored soon.

EG: It seems Minhyuk is the best at playing games.
Jungshin: He is good even with a game he plays for the first time. He studied the manual book of Play Station Football Game and mastered all the strategies. People hardly read such manuals. When I looked into his room to see what he’s doing in the early morning, he was studying ‘How to Play – Winning 101′. So I thought ‘he cannot help but to play well.’

EG: I heard members feel most comfortable in your room.
Jungshin: Haha. I need one more bed in my room. When I come home after my schedule one day, Jonghyun Hyung is sleeping on my bed, and another day it was Yonghwa Hyung sleeping on it.

EG: I want to know how your room is.
Jungshin: Just an ordinary room. Clothes hanger, desk, cosmetics, books, CDs, computer, bed, stand etc. The funny thing is, the members say they feel warm in my room during winter and it’s cool in summer.

When I was a kid, we had an expensive, thick blanket embroidered with golden fish and microfiber blankets. I couldn’t sleep without it. Our member were fascinated by that microfiber blankets, so my mother changed (bought) Yonghwa and Jonghyun Hyung’s blankets. (laughs)

EG: These days the hot key words are ‘Music of 90s‘, and ‘Anipang’. This question first, who were your favorite singers in the 90s?
Jungshin: Jo Seong Mo and Yoo Seung Joon. And when I was younger, it was Seo Taeji! If I listen to those songs, I would be reminded of my elementary school days playing computer games. I used to play games listening to music endlessly from Bugs Music. Now if I listen to those songs again, I can remember what game I played, what I thought.

EG: How about ‘Anipang’? Who is the best at it among the four of you?
Jungshin: All we four played it really hard. We sent hearts to each other. Private ranking is,Minhyuk is the top with 200,000 points. Yonghwa Hyung and I are about 100,000 points.Jonghyun Hyung is the poorest.

At first I wondered how people get 500,000 points, but I made it. With big screen tablet PC,Minhyuk played at the left side, I would play on the right side, we got 560,000 points and felt like a hero for a week. But we got bored soon.

EG: It seems Minhyuk is the best at playing games.
Jungshin: He is good even with a game he plays for the first time. He studied the manual book of Play Station Football Game and mastered all the strategies. People hardly read such manuals. When I looked into his room to see what he’s doing in the early morning, he was studying ‘How to Play – Winning 101′. So I thought ‘he cannot help but to play well.’

Scans credit: BOICE @paris0915 (Parishin)
Kor-Eng Translation credit: BOICE @saturnKR
Edited by: fizzy @ cnbluestorm