Tuesday, October 9, 2012

JYJ to participate in KBEE 2012

Participation of Korean idol group JYJ was initially determined in the 3rd Korea-Japan Exchange Exhibition 2012 (KBEE 2012).
We would like to sincerely apologize that the information was published.
Please refer to the official website of JYJ for future activities of JYJ in Japan.

[Translator's Notes]
Oct 7:The first notice of the event showed JYJ and KARA as ambassadors and will be participating in the opening ceremony.
Oct 8:They released the notice above and reposted the event details, omitting JYJ and KARA. OTL
※ 他主要行事(予定):

Other major events (TENTATIVE)
1. 韓流スタ-広報大使による 特別祝辞公演
Special performance by the hallyu star ambassador

2. JUMPの公演 (NANTAに 匹敵する 大人気 パフォ-マンス集団)
JUMP performance

3. JYPエンタ-テイメントによる 新人歌手発掘オ-ディション
JYP Entertainment best newcomer singer

4.韓流スタ-愛用品 展示 及び オ-クション、韓流スタ-写真展示会
Photo exhibitions

5. 韓流スタ-広報大使の 開幕式・テ-プカットへの参加
Participation in opening ceremony by the hallyu star ambassador

※ 但し、上記内容は 諸事情で 予告なしに 変更等がある場合も ございますので 予め ご了承下さいませ。
Please understand that there might be changes without prior notice.

Source: kotra.or.jp
Translated By: rubypurple_fan of JYJ3