Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Junsu’s Interview from Asiana Airlines journal

This fall, there’s a korean musician who tours around the world with his music and dance:

XIAH JUNSU, once a member of TVXQ and now Kim Junsu, a member of JYJ and a musical actor. With rewriting K-pop history, he is keeping his fresh and bold steps by releasing his first solo album under the name of ‘XIA.’ His step is so brave it is as if he tries to reach the apex of K-pop power in his every concert on the worldwide tour. He participated in the minutest part of the recording process of the latest album, showing his firm determination as an artist.

Where does this young man, who his shaping his own future, get his confidence from? We tried to answer this question through an e-mail interview as the singer was about to wrap up his successful New York and LA concerts.

Q. What is the overall keyword of the latest album ?
A. There are largely two words: XIA and Unequalled. In light of putting all music that I want to do and I can do, ‘XIA’ is the word expressing everything I’ve been showing to the people. There are a variety of genre like pop, dance, ballad, R&B, HipHop, and Electronic. In light of no TV promotion, I thought I had to make top-notch music and focused on ‘Unequalled’ music which leads the unequalled trend.

Q. You once said the title song TARANTALLEGRA is not a song to listen but a song to watch.
A. Yes. The latest music is inspired from the musical ELIZABETH in which I was participating. With acting the mysterious and charismatic DEATH who stands between a god and a man, I made this dream-like pop song. The title means a spell to make people dance. I tried to make a dramatic and extraordinary music video and put effort in the details including fashion and choreography. This song can be completed with visual factors.

Q. You became the first Korean solo singer to have concerts in Mexico, Brazil, and Chile. What made this worldwide tour begin?
A. During JYJ’s worldwide tour I came to know there are many fans in North & South America and Europe and was motivated to work harder. I earn passion and energy from overseas fans’ response. After releasing the solo album and doing the Asia tour, I’ve earned more confidence. And, the main reason is ‘not to be complacent and hesitate but to move forward to a bigger goal.’

Q. (Not visible)
A. (Part not visible)…Musical teaches me a joy to interpret what is established so it is my own and to cooperate with other performers and staff to complete it. I realized another potential I never knew, and it inspires me not only as the musical actor Kim Junsu but also as the singer XIA.

Q. After nine years from your debut, you can be more active in your work and you seem to have a sense of accomplishment.
A. There’s happiness beyond a sense of accomplishment. Currently I’m not following the road that someone shows me, but coming up with ideas by myself and doing what I want. It’s so hard but rewarding. It heightens a sense of satisfaction as a singer. Compared with the past, I think I got maturer and [increased my] knowledge of the world, and gradually grew into a man.

Q. You went to the other side of the world with K-pop. Our expectations are high for your future.
A. I’m grateful for all the love and I have to try harder and think more. Like the latest solo album or worldwide tour, I will try new musical and continue my challenge in music. JYJ’s long-time-prepared 2nd worldwide album will proceed next year.

Source: Asiana Airlines via DNBN
Translated By: chocolato of XIAHPress