Monday, October 15, 2012

2AM's Jo Kwon is enjoying his classes and college life

2AM's Jo Kwon is enjoying his college life. On the 15th of October, he updated his twitter account and shared, "Bebop class, latin class, jazz choir.Even if the weather is cold and difficult it was still fun in school. I was nice eating a god rice meal in the cafeteria" and also shared a photo of him.

You can see him in the photo with a charming smile and his arms up with V-signs posing in front of his school. Look's like the weather is getting cold as Jo Kwon is wearing long sleeves and a jacket too. Netizens commented, "That's a cute pose", "That's a really good photo", "I wish I could eat a simple meal with him in school".

Meanwhile, Jo Kwon is currently a Post Modern Music Major in the prestigious Kyunghee University where he is also under full scholarship for his good grades.

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @