Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to the new Daily K Pop News!

Dear DKPOPNEWS' readers,we have been collecting feedbacks from fans from time to time since last year to plan for a redesign.

Our team has started to plan the redesign since the first day of my summer break back in July.Sincerely hope that you will like our new design.

The site is loading faster now,displaying more posts at the homepage,lesser ads,more organized news and we will work hard to provide more exclusive contents in the near future.

We will set up a poll once in a fortnight for fans to vote for the idols appearing on our background,it will be updated from time to time,we are currently using the T-ara's Sexy Love background as the girls made their comeback with "Sexy Love" a few days ago.

In addition,we will host more giveaways (at least once per month),we love our readers and hope that you will continue to love us too.

Finally,i would like to say thank you to Mr. Eric from for his hard work in redesigning DKPOPNEWS,he is truly an amazing designer.

Please continue to support our website and you can share your thoughts regarding our new design on the comment box below,we will work hard to make DKPOPNEWS a better site!

Please note that we are not 100% ready yet,still need to fix some bugs to give you guys the best DKPOPNEWS

Thank you!