Friday, September 21, 2012

TOP is back to short black hair for Alumni

A recent photo of Big Bang's TOP shows him sporting back short and natural black hair. On the 21st of September, fellow cast Gwak Minseok updated his twitter account and shared, "With Choi Seung Hyuk the lead actor of Alumni. Ive been spending a lot of time with him, now i understand why he has a lot of fans and he is a good actor. I can assure you Alumni is a must to look forward to!".

On his update he shared a photo with him and TOP posing for the camera. On the photo you can see TOP with his new hair style and also looking thinner. Netizens commented, "Im excited! He looks like he lost weight", "Its been a while since I last saw a recent photo of TOP", "He looks good with that hairstyle".

Source: nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @