Sunday, September 23, 2012

Key captures Jonghyun buying present for him

Can you imagine how adorable Key and Jonghyun can be? It looks like Key is overjoyed to receive a birthday present from Jonghyun and even recorded it.

Watch below:

[Key] I'm publicly revealing the video that I revealed to the SHINee World yesterday at the company. Video title:  "Mature hyungnim Jonghyun hyung buying a birthday present and the dongsaeng who is happy to death."

T/N: Jonghyun bought pants for Key as his present. He originally thought the pants were 260,000 won but they turned out to be 360,000 won when he was paying. Jonghyun kept grumbling at the counter and Key recorded this moment. (From Key's birthday party on 09/19/12.)

Source: aanniiiiz @ Youtube
Translated by: Kimchi Hana @