Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BEAST talks about their new album, worries, goals and many more!

─ We waited! BEAST’s comeback in a year and 2 months! Say something to your fans!
Doojoon: It’s been a long time! Readers, it’s BEAST! We prepared songs you can enjoy in the summer, and songs that are suitable for the summer nights. Thank you for not forgetting us and continuing to support us. Please listen to 「It's a Beautiful Night」 a lot!

─ How have you been for a year and 2 months?
Yoseob: You were curious since we haven’t had any local activities right? For a year and 2 months BEAST was busy performing here and there and with individual schedules. We had a good time with our international fans through our first world tour 「BEAUTIFUL SHOW」. We also worked hard to greet the different countries with a new image. While we were do all this work a year and 2 months passed. We’re happy to meet with everyone with our comeback!

Hyunseung: Even as an MC, Kikwang, who is an idol, is doing so well he became a hero in the variety show world. Junhyung was giving songs to his sunbaes and hoobaes, and he worked hard writing songs that in BEAST’s album, two of his songs are listed. The other members worked hard to show improvement so, in [It’s a Beautiful Night] I think everyone was able to pour out their full abilities into it. Ah! I worked on my first musical production「Mozart!」It’s a valuable experience I’ll never forget.

─ How did you complete 「Midnight Sun」?
Dongwoon: Overall there are a lot of songs that represent the beauty of 「Night」. 「Midnight」 is a track that has rhythm but fully expresses an emotional ambiance. 「It’s a Beautiful Night」 is our first attempt at an electronic track but, both songs express different atmospheres of a youths night. Since it’s a new song in a year and 2 months, instead of creating a hit track, we made an effort to show our growth.

Doojoon: I believe that we can confidently show the experiences we gained through the world tour, and BEAST growth through this CD. The genre is a new genre we’re trying out, and while it contains BEAST colour at the same time it shows great change and I’m just so thankful that people seem to like it.

─ What kind of track is your title track 「It’s a Beautiful Night」?
Junhyung: It’s a meeting between BEAST and electronic. It was fun making it and you can listen to it lightly. There were parts where we focused on leaving BEAST’s colour in it, I think that’s our special emotional side. In 「It’s a Beautiful Night」 while listening to it, imagine that you’re having a good time with your loved one.

─ The MV is stylish. I heard you filmed in New York, how was it?
Doojoon: We heard that New York wasn’t that hot but, while we were filming it kept~ going up close to 40 degrees so, the uncommon heat continued on…there were a lot of happenings because of the heat but, because the beautiful night of New York was filmed well, I think the mood of the song got better.

Kikwang: We would just sweat when we were still but, it really isn’t easy filmed nicely when we’re jumping up and down and posing…(laughs). Still I’m satisfied that the completed MV looked natural and good. Also, I’m happy that everyone seemed to like the transformed BEAST.

─ Your style has changed significantly, were everyone’s suggestions considered during the transformation?
Hyunseung: Because the music style changed, we believed that on stage we had to change unexpectedly visually. Like until now the members discussed together and had simulations, so the present BEAST was born. With it being a new song release after a long time, we’re happy that people are accepting the changed BEAST’s free and funky image.

─ What was the hardest thing while working on the comeback?
Doojoon: It was during the world tour and, while traveling to each country, we were physically burnt out. In the middle of that, there were pressures of producing a quality album that wouldn’t disappoint everyone. However, when I’m on stage, I just forget all the hard times. I’m so happy right now.

─ MR removed videos are a hot topic these days. Have you heard them?
Yoseob: Truthfully, during our debut there was a time when 「BEAST MR removed」 became a hot topic. I was surprised then. I was amazed that something that singers should definitely be doing was such a hot topic. I thought that with everyone’s compliments, I should take that and sing with more responsibility. Even with this comeback they quickly removed the MR (laughs). We’ll work hard so we can continue hearing the words 「Of course BEAST」!

─ Dancing and singing, what do you emphasize more?
Kikwang: With BEAST, we know what we’re better at, so I think we’re a group that creates a synergy effect by focusing on what we’re best at on stage. Instead of simply choosing one thing, I think we all understand the process of balancing all of our responsibilities.

─ It’s the middle of the summer. How does BEAST keep cool?
Doojoon: First, showing a great performance for our fans on music shows, I think that’s the best way to conquer the summer. With the fan we gave you during our first comeback show and while watching BEAST’s performances, have a great summer!

─ You were chosen as the #1 sexy-dol! From a boyish image to a sexy image, BEAST members are really boys? Sexy?
Dongwoon: Eh, really? We’re really #1? Well, isn’t that the obvious result? It’s a joke (laughs). Like how everyone said that BEAST is sexiest on stage, we’re just working hard to be like that.

─ Recently the comic 「The BEAST」 was released, what kind of project is it?
Hyunseung: It’s a special story about BEAST showing off psychic abilities. The story unfolds with the 6 main characters based off of ourselves. Please look forward to a new kind of BEAST in this manhwa!

─ Rookies continue to debut. Don’t you feel pressure at the growing hoobaes?
Kikwang: Although I can’t believe that we’ll be celebrating our 3rd anniversary, when we go on music shows, I can feel it. Every week while we greet new hoobaes, I think ‘today these kids debuted’ and I get anxious and want to support them. Instead of pressure, I feel happy that kids with the same dream as me are fulfilling their dreams. When we see that we always think that we should not lose our original intentions. At our company, a group of kids who trained for a long time debuted under the name of 「BTOB」 and, I hope that they get more chances to promote.

─ There are many rookies who look up to BEAST. If you were to give advice to them?
Junhyung: Since we debuted we admired our sunbaes too. At that time, we couldn’t even imagine being someone else’s role model. We’re so happy. Instead of giving advice, as a person walking the same road, I wish they would spend their days showing their best moment without any regrets.

─ 1000 days since you debuted. What is the driving force that moves BEAST?
Yoseob: Wouldn’t it definitely be the love from the fans who love BEAST’s every image and supports BEAST on stage without holding back? The staff members around us are a big strength as well. Still I want to give the biggest applause to our members. No matter how difficult, we shine the most when all 6 of us are together. They really are amazing guys.

─ It’s been quite a while since you debuted in Japan as well. When you look back at your activities in Japan what do you think?
Dongwoon: The showcase we did in 2010 before our Japanese debut seems like not too long ago. To be honest, because of local and overseas schedules, I feel regret of not being able to promote a lot in Japan. There was always regret but at those moments we worked hard to show everything we had. I still study Japanese whenever I get the chance to.

─ In March you finished the large-scale concert 「BEAUTIFUL SHOW IN JAPAN」. You must have been anxious.
Kikwang: Holding 6 concerts in a week was physically very tiring. I think that we were able to finish it until the end even if we were tired because BEAST and the audience who cheered for us each concert, our hearts were one. We’ll be able to meet soon through the ZEPP TOUR, we will work hard to show your our growth!

─ In the first issue interview you answered 「※Things I want to accomplish personally」. Did you achieve those goals from back then?
Doojoon: Ah-… Why is it that I still have the same goal now? (laughs). Since there are still a few months left in 2012 if I keep working harder, in the next interview I’ll be able to say that I achieved it…right?
(BEAST becoming bigger. Because BEAST’s success=individual success. Doojoon said this in the last interview.)

─ Are there any individual activities planned?
Hyunseung: Since it’s our comeback in a year and 2 months we’re planning to have local promotions with our name on the line. Please support us.

─ There is only half the year left. Tell us your goals!
Yoseob: Everyone probably is thinking the same thing. Personally, and as BEAST, that we can repay everyone’s love with our growth, good songs, and performances. That we are able repay everyone’s love. We want to spend our days with 「BEAUTY」 always, sad moments, recovering from sad moments, we want to spend them together.

─ Lastly please talk about your Japan activity plans and say a message to your fans.
Junhyung: In October, we are holding a ZEPP TOUR. We are also planning to prepare a new BEAST album that will be released in Japan. Although we don’t meet often, we’re always checking how you guys support us so, let’s stay together! BEAUTY!!

@HKRXD @Twitter (interview image scans); 콩콩XD @B-dong (TRANS from JPN to KRN)
poco123 (TRANS to English)