Thursday, August 2, 2012

T-ara are victims of reckless reporters

T-ara are victims of unconfirmed reports in the media.

Recently, the bullying situation began with a few tweets and reports saying Hwayoung was bullied in T-ara. Suspicions that idol groups have bullying in them have been around forever, and didn't just start yesterday. But the recent bullying accusations have exploded and attracted more attention than ever before.

A problem that lies within this is that there is so much interest in the case, that reports are being published in the press just to increase views and clicks on their website which is the wrong attitude.

To confirm the allegations that first began about bullying, netizens went and dug up various things that happened in the past. Excerpts from various different broadcasts were brought up through screen-captures and questioned, but they were not originally a problem when they first aired. The reports spread throughout the media were written without going through a verification process. Reports that were contacting representatives from the broadcasts were also hard to find.

In addition to making screen-captures of various broadcasts, rumors have been circulating about T-ara. False and malicious rumors, such as "gangs" and the like, have been circulating online because of "netizens suspicions," but like the screen-captures, they have not been verified. The "trainee" was proven to be false, and the "back-dancer" report as well, but both spread before any confirmation had been done. Some even have gone far to force evidence and say that Hwayoung left a hidden message, "fans only know," in her Twitter message but the truth is it's different depending on where you look at the image.

Websites gain revenue through clicks on ads on their website, and these reckless and unprofessional reports being spread attract attention and revenue for whoever reports it.

The bullying allegations first started on July 28th through Twitter messages and continued until the 2nd. T-ara related searches dominated every popular search ranking on various portal sites. The Olympics began, but T-ara's scandal has attracted more attention and higher interest. The topic located at the center is that journalists recklessly report things posted online without getting confirmation just for a few more clicks on their website.

Hwayoung recently posted on Twitter, "Please stop now and look forward to when I'll return with a new more mature and sophisticated image." The situation is at a point where it's finally calmed down.

Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem