Thursday, August 2, 2012

Solbi poses in bikini!

Previously, Singer Solbi revealed that she has taken the challenge of being a writer and revealed that she has finished writing a book entitled "Beauty Essay Solbi's Body Secret". She will talk about her recent diet and weight loss experience in this book.

On the 2nd of August she updated her twitter saying, "Everyone, The launch party of my book will be on August 7 and it will hit the bookstores. I'm smiling a thousand times... im wishing you all a healthy summer. Sobli's Body Secret fighting!".

Along with her twitter update she shared a new photo of her wearing a bikini. She already posted a couple of photos of herself in swimsuit and once again she flaunts her slender figure in pink bikini. Netizens commented, "Her diet was really successful", "She's so slim now, congratulations", "That's good of her, I wish her the best".

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @