Tuesday, August 28, 2012

f(x) Krystal looking sexy in just a knitted sweater

Recently, a photo of f(x)'s Krystal has caught the attention of netizens and is receiving much spotlight. A photo of Krystal from a September issue of a fashion magazine shows a mature and sexy Krystal. On the photo she is closing her eyes with a very neutral and calm expression but exudes much charisma in her pose.

With a simple orange knitted sweater, she looks sexy and mature despite her young age (in a good way of course). She shows off her slender legs and dons the "missing pants" fashion with over sized tops. No doubt she is looking stunning with just a simple outfit. Netizens commented, "Were the same age but she looks more mature", "Krystal and Sulli grows up really fast", "she looks high fashion".

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net