Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CNBLUE discuss cooking ability,meteor shower & more!

Check out CNBLUE★Mobile Q& amd A below.

Q – What sort of food that you can cook well?
Jungshin: I can cook instant noodles well.
Jonghyun: Kimchi fried rice.
Yonghwa: Fried rice.
Minhyuk: I don’t really cook.

Q – If there’s such a thing as a “time slip”, where would you go, to the past or the future?
Jungshin: I would like to see my future.
Jonghyun: I’d go back to the past, I want to start make music early, from my childhood.
Yonghwa: I want to go back and forth to Busan.
Minhyuk: I want to go back to the time when I was born, I want to live a new life.

Q – What is your “must do” before a live performance?
Jungshin: Go to the restroom. Wash my hands. Eat.
Jonghyun: Sleep a little.
Yonghwa: Go to the restroom.
Minhyuk: I must go to the restroom. And take some glucose.

Q – What was the thing that surprised you when you first came to Japan?
Jungshin: Shops in cubicles.
Jonghyun: The low buildings.
Yonghwa: People always say “sumimasen” (which has multiple meanings – it can mean you’re sorry, or thanking /asking help from others)
Minhyuk: Once I thought the airport was a hospital because of all the white walls it has.

Q – If you see a meteor shower, what would your wish be?
Jungshin: For CNBLUE to be successful.
Jonghyun: I’d wish that we can keep on having music activities.
Yonghwa: I’d wish that CNBLUE can go further.
Minhyuk:I’d wish for the happiness of CNBLUE and my family.

Source: BOICE @mi_malice
Jap-Kor translation by: BOICE @akanzh
Kor-Eng translation by: fizzy @ cnbluestorm