Tuesday, July 24, 2012

[NEWS] Super Junior receives pure gold from Chinese fans

Super Junior shared a story about a overseas fans who displayed their love with special gifts.

On the July 23 broadcast of MBC’s ‘Come to Play’, Super Junior members Leeteuk, Yesung, Eunhyuk and Shindong appeared as guests and displayed their gratitude for their fans all over the world.

During the episode, Eunhyuk talked about an unforgettable moment saying, “When Super Junior missed the Golden Disk Award by a small difference, our Chinese fans made us a trophy out of 100 million won’s worth of gold.”

Upon hearing the story, the MC and other guests were shocked and asked where the Golden Disc Award is kept, to which Leeteuk revealed that Super Junior used it to help the poor in China.

Source: Nate