Sunday, July 1, 2012

[NEWS] Super Junior's Leeteuk is a certified Hallyu Star with a birthday greeting shown in Shibuya Japan

Super Junior's Leeteuk is a certified Hallyu Star. On the 1st of July, Leeteuk updated his twitter account ahd shared, "Saw this at the intersection in the street in Shibuya, Thank You" and shared a photo. On the first if July, Leeteuk 29 years old (30 in Korea) and his fans all the way in Japan greeted him with a billboard sign.

On the photo you can see in the billboard saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEETEUK! We love you forever, Japan Elf 2012.7.1" with a shadow of Leeteuk posing a heart with his arms. The sign was shown for all the local Japanese to see on the busy street in Shibuya, Japan. Netizens commented, "Congratulations on turning 30 years old Leeteuk", "He does not look 30 at all", "Happy birthday".

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @