Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[NEWS] SISTAR's Bora is struggling with the summer heat

Looks like the humid summer heat is getting the best of SISTAR's Bora. On the 25th of July, SISTAR's official twitter account was updated and shared a couple of photo's of Bora, the update said, "Please tell me how to stay cool with the heat, Its really hot, Please be careful when you go out during the day".

On the photo you can see Bora just simply lying on the floor wearing a floral top, shorts and socks and in one photo she gives a warm smile to the camera. Look's like she is struggling with keeping cool in the humid weather and decided to just lie down on the floor to cool off. Netizens commented, "She still looks cute", "She looks like she's uncomfortable with the heat", "We have to beat the heat! Bora fighting!".

Source: Newsen
Written by: blueprincess824 @