Wednesday, July 11, 2012

[NEWS] SHINee's Jonghyun shows his extraordinary biceps!

Jonghyun has revealed his extraordinary biceps.

SHINee's Jonghyun posted up a tweet on his twitter, along with a picture on July 9th, saying, "Kibum fooled around on my shoulder."

In the picture, Jonghyun is seen wearing training sweats, as well as a sleeveless, black shirt, with his bare shoulders exposed underneath. The face drawn on his sleeveless triceps is eye catching.

Netizens who have seen the photo have commented, "Jonghyun's triceps are as big as someone's face!", "Look at Jonghyun's muscles! They've formed really well.", "After working out so hard, his efforts have paid off.", etc.

Source: NEWSEN
Translations: LittleMinnie. @