Wednesday, July 11, 2012

[NEWS] KARA’s Seungyeon discharged from the hospital

KARA’s Han Seungyeon has been discharged from the hospital.

On July 11th, an official from KARA’s agency revealed, “Han Seungyeon got out of the hospital this morning. She seems to be getting a lot better, so she will start continuing schedules soon.”

“She was exhausted, and the weather also made her even more tired. We didn’t really worry about such a situation, but she ended up collapsing. She feels much better now”, the official added.

Seungyeon has been admitted to the hospital for symptoms of acute anemia on July 7 and had to cancel her fragrance launching event in Singapore with other KARA members.

The agency confirmed that Seungyeon would head straight to Malaysia to re-join her members in their activities.

Source: StarN News