Tuesday, July 24, 2012

[NEWS] Kahi is not around: No one disciplines After School!

Because of Kahi's absence, no one disciplines After School members anymore.

Members of the group made an appearance on the first anniversary special of MBC Every1's 'Weekly Idol'. The girls talked about Kahi's departure. 

Member E-Young shared that since former leader Kahi left the group, no one disciplines the rest of the members of After School.

Jung Hyung Don, MC of the show asked E-Young "Since Kahi is not part of After School now, I wonder who disciplines the members." which E-Young replied "At first, UEE unnie watched us out and told us that we should monitor ourselves, but now, discipline roughly happens."

Other members supported what E-Young said by saying "Before, everything is in order specifically getting in the car and washing our hair, but everything is all in the past now"

The full episode will be broadcast on the 25th.

Source: Mydaily via Naver
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net