Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[NEWS] Jonghyun transforms fansite names into body tattoos in an act of thankfulness, touching fans' hearts!

At the beginning two Seoul concerts of the SHINee World 2 tour, SHINee's Jonghyun exhibited his devotion to fans all over by transcribing the names of his personal fansites into temporary tattoos on the upper half of his body. News of his heartfelt act spread online before the first concert had even ended, touching Shawols all over the world.

Jonghyun later addressed his tattoos through his personal Twitter. "It was almost 30 places.. I was gonna just do it for a day but since some got erased, I'm planning to write some of the erased ones tomorrow..!! Thank you for today sleep well okay ^^ I really want to write everything but each one takes about twenty minutes... I don't think I'll have time... Sorry understand me"

He went on to fulfill his promise on the second day. Jonghyun then tweeted the following message, humbly wishing he could have done even more: "Thank you I had so much fun. Today I wrote One in a Million, Lovebling, Bling Effect, Shakizi and Without that liked me since I was a trainee...!! Sorry it's a day late. I wanted to write everywhere else too but the concert was too early and I had no time sorry... Thank you!!! Good night"

He clarified his feelings in saying, "I’m always thankful to the people who have liked me even if they don’t come to find me like they used to. I’m thankful all the time. Everything is thanks to you."

Many of Jonghyun's fans expressed their wholehearted appreciation after witnessing his gestures on both concert days. One fansite commented,"Although i didnt look closely, i was really surprised by Jonghyunie's unexpected surprise event.. Really, my tearsY_T... Always thinking kindly, Jonghyun-ah i really really love you♡"

Source/Credit: realjonghyun90, shiningtweets, venessa_chun, echo_0408, shinee_jh, dearmyking
CR: joAnnwashere @