Wednesday, July 11, 2012

[NEWS] BEAST Appeared in New York~ Local Fans “Cheers”!

Prior to their comeback, Beast is seen appearing in New York, America.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, BEAST had taken off to America for their new album. They’ve flied through the Pacific Ocean to shoot for a Music Video. Their local comeback which has been after 1 year and 2 months, will be having their MV background overseas.

BEAST stated, “The plan is to show a music image which uses other country’s culture as background”, and also, “Please anticipate a movie-like production to be completed.”

By only producing the MV, the production costs is budgeted to be more than hundred million, and is more than the usual Korea’s budgeted costs for an MV. Therefore, it is expected that, BEAST has been putting much effort and money for this new album.

Previously, BEAST did not reveal anything about their photoshoot location or schedule. This is due to concerns that local fans might affect the photoshoot after they have known about their location. However, it seems that fans gained confirmation from the airport, followed with pictures uploaded on the net, allowing their trip to America to be exposed. In response, they asked for cooperation from local fans so that their MV can be done within scheduled time.

BEAST will be staying in America for about a week. They will be making their comeback on stage this month end, and start their promotions, as well as continuing their overseas world tour for the 2nd half year.

credits : Sports Hankooki
kor – chi trans by Beast中文网_Circus
chi – eng trans by