Friday, July 27, 2012

[INTERVIEW] Interview with Rafa Mendez (JYJ choreographer for the 2011 European Tour)!

Interview with Rafa Mendez, choreographer and prestigious dancer internationally and in Spain. In October 2011, he was responsible for the staging of JYJ in their European Tour. Now with the comeback of Xiah Junsu with “Tarantallegra” a weeks ago, we wanted to ask him his opinion about the song, the KPOP wave in our country and its global expansion, and his experience on the tour of JYJ.

First of all, thank you so much for accepting our request, Rafa!!

1st question:
How did you become the responsible of JYJ’s European Tour? Did you know about KPOP when you accepted this job?

The sponsor who brought JYJ to Spain was the one who called me, due to my work in “Fama” and with others artists, and I thought I was perfect for the job. And that’s how it was, we did a great job and the dancers team I provided is WONDERFUL.

2nd question:
Any anecdote during your experience with JYJ that deserves to be heard?

Several, but what I won’t never forget is detail: before every concert, JYJ came to the dressing rooms to connect with the dancers, hug them and transmit them all their energy and good feeling. And the same for the end (of the concerts). I just can say they’re professionals and from exquisite care.

3th question:
What do you think of JYJ’s style? They are said to be the best three voices of South Korea, what do you think of their stage presence?

I think they’re ‘AMAZING’, their dance style is very personal and that’s so important, and they sing very well and they’re also good actors, each of them has a lot of ‘feeling’ and that contributes a lot.

4th question:
Junsu has recently released his solo song “Tarantallegra”. Have you watch it? What do you think about it?

I think it’s great, daring, great choreography, great look, and he’s awesome. I would have done it a little more daring, just a little, but it’s great, a big change.

5th question:
Would you repeat the experience with JYJ or any other KPOP group? Why?

Definitely yes, because of the experience and because they’re great professionals with which everyone can feel very comfortable.

6th question:
It has been announced that Junsu (Xiah) will have a solo world tour and he’ll come to Europe. We know you’re aware of it and you even helped fans on twitter to ask for a concert in Spain; Do you know anything else about these concerts? Will you participate with them?

I have no news yet, but I can say there was a lot of good feeling between us and I’d not hesitate to work together again. And like many people have asked me before (here is my twitter @rafamendezzzz), Junsu’s new album is very similar to my style…

Original interview by: Korean Dream Blog
Interviewer: Nana_Oppa
English Translation: @lovinmjj