Sunday, July 22, 2012

[INTERVIEW] 2NE1 in 1st Look Magazine!

Q: Comeback song “I Love You” is an electro-pop song. Between personal feelings and giving the public a new type of feel, which type of feelings are more meaningful after trying out this new genre?
CL: I like meaningful things, but both feelings are important for a singer.
Dara: I also felt that no matter what, I’m still a singer performing on stage. So the reaction of the public feels more meaningful to me.

Q: Any reactions you girls have expected?
Dara: Although it’s always the same whenever we have a new song, I still hope that people will think that “it’s the new evolution” and that “2NE1 has such a side too”. Something like that especially when Minzy and CL are extremely sexy this time round. Even though we have shown this side of us before previously, I still hope that people will be surprised.
Bom: Even if they were singing children songs, they’ll be sexy naturally.
Minzy: The problem I face is that, since I’m still underage, I’ve often heard comments about people telling me to control my sexy dance moves.
Dara: The problem I have lies with my hair (laughs). There was a photo of my hair in the MV being uploaded and surprisingly, there were a lot of positive comments about it, saying that I suited the hairstyle. Because it’s a very daring hairstyle, I’m afraid that people might not like it. But they liked it in the end.

Q: They say that it is difficult for the public to expect fresh and new stuff, but it is more difficult for the person involved to challenge something different and new.
CL: Our previous song, “I Am The Best”, was a step more towards a particularly narcissism. We wanted to go towards a different direction this time.
Minzy: We worked with one of Beyonce’s dancers and the first choreography he created and presented to us was extremely sexy. It was way too sexy till the point that it couldn’t be aired on national television. President Yang, other staff and us were astonished by it and decided to cut out the parts that needed to be cut out and that is how we came up with our current choreography.
Dara: Originally, our songs involved fans to cheer and dance with us, but for this song, rather than cheering with us, it’s better to just to sit back and enjoy. Although it is slightly awkward, the whole stage is still pretty.

Q: Alongside with the current comeback and global concert, the theme for it is “New Evolution”. Will 2NE1’s “evolution” be more special than the past?
Dara: There is such a part. We sang trot too, which is totally different from what we have sang previously. We also recorded quite a number of songs. There were also a number of modifications involved. Usually when a song comes out, we will know which parts are mine and which parts are the other members’. But Teddy oppa also said that he is not sure too. He still said that that wasn’t our song and we had to sing the whole song out once. The part where everyone sang together was still the best.

Q: You used a more nasaly voice than before.
Minzy: When Teddy oppa first let us listen to this song, I thought that this would be a fun song. But when I actually started singing it, I realized that it was more difficult to produce the uniqueness of Trot than I thought. I used to sing trot songs in front of the older members at home to play around but it was really difficult to be detailed in singing out the words.
CL: Although we said that we wanted to produce new things, we did not deliberately changed to singing Trot or to listen to Trot songs. If not, we would have followed it already. Teddy oppa said that the public’s reaction is the most important thing.

Source: via 2NE1CHINA
Translated by: darliciousx@ForeverWithDara