Sunday, July 15, 2012

[INFO] Seungri's Diary Update "This is Sendai"!

Check out Seungri's Diary update below.

[Title: This is Sendai]

Last year, Sendai experienced earthquakes and tsunami.
It must have been a hard time for everyone.
Today is my first time to Sendai & my schedule was filled with radio, newspaper, magazine etc activities. The news agency’s interview made me quite sad though.
Reporter: VI-san, have you experienced earthquakes before?
VI: No
Reporter: What about tsunamis?
VI: Not that either.
That’s right, I don’t know how terrifying earthquakes and tsunamis are but it’s an indescribable feeling even to the people in Japan who’ve experienced it.
BIGBANG also went through tough times last year. It was a scary experience going through so many hardships because we are still so young, but I don’t think I should hold a “my life is hard and tiring” attitude. No matter how hard the circumstances, I know I should work harder because of the strength I receive from everyone.
I want to see everyone in Sendai healthy and well at next year’s BIGBANG’s Live. It’s a promise!
I also want to hold concerts next year in places we’ve never been to.
Today, I experienced everyone’s sincerity in Sendai.

Source:  818rinrin//只是对李胜贤有点偏执@weibo via jwalkervip@tumblr