Saturday, July 14, 2012

[INFO] Seungri's Diary in Josei Seven Magazine!

Recently, Big Bang Seungri's appeared on a Japanese TV Show all by himself. This time, his diary can be seen in Josei Seven, a Japanese magazine. 

Check out his diary below.

Hello! I’m Seungri from BIGBANG.

Honestly, I think BIGBANG has this cool image,to make us to be more familiar with, I’m going to work hard to do PR(public relations). But the members in Korea are really worried bout me (laugh). GD said many times ‘are you really going to be alright?’ 

Oh, I rented a room to live alone yesterday. Went to real estate agents with my manager to look around. I thought… it’s going to be at Setagaya (residential area), but manager said ‘at least choose the city center!’ so that it’s going to be easy to pick me up by car.

So, the places to play/enjoy are quite near too. SOL also said this to me, ‘You want to stay in Japan coz you want to play right?’. yeah.. I got that feeling(to play around) 

To make sure I’m not playing around, manager made me do so many works. So I really don’t have free time. As for today, I had to do 9 works (interviews/photo shoots). Isn’t that terrible?

I can’t even do housewarming! And from my room window, I can’t see Tokyo Tower and Skytree.. Will tell more bout my room next time. please look forward!

Source: marthapido@tumblr